To-Do: Japanese Garden


The Japanese Garden is part of Landgoed Clingendael. The Japanese Garden is the showpiece of the estate and here you can see beautiful and rare trees and plants. The estate came into the ownership of the Van Brienen family.

The garden was built around 1910 by Marguérite Mary baroness of Brienen. It is a clear example of beauty from that period. And still has unchanged landscape features. Due to its historical value, the Japanese Garden was declared a national monument in 2001.

The garden is very vulnerable. That is why the Japanese Garden is only open 8 weeks in the year. 

• Spring 2018: from 28 April to 10 June.

• Autumn 2018: from 13 October to 28 October 

During the weeks that the garden is open in the spring you can go there from 9.00 to 20.00 and during the opening in the autumn from 10.00 to 16.00. It is not possible to visit the garden outside these times, not even by appointment.



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